Our Ngaa Kororero Tuku Iho/Heritage and Archives teams are able to assist you with enquiries about our reference collection and our Archival Collection. Please fill in the form below and a team member will contact you. 

Information about Fees & Charges

High Resolution TIFF Image File         $20.00

Copyright/Commercial Use Per File   $50.00


- A4 B&W per side   $0.20

- A4 Colour per side  $1.00

- A3 B&W per side    $0.40

- A3 Colour per side  $2.20        

If you would prefer a staff member to undertake research for you or you are unable to visit the Library in person, there is a charge for staff time. The first half hour is free, then there is a charge of $50.00 per half hour. 


*required fields

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Preferred method of contact*
Area of Interest
Please select your area of interest
Select all that apply
Please describe your enquiry