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The Battle of Ooraakau
Friday 14 March
The Waikato War was one of the most important campaigns in New Zealand Wars, and this month marks the anniversary of the Battle of Ooraakau.
Microwave cooking from the 1980s
Tuesday 4 March
Hasselback potatoes 6 even sized potatoes 1 tablespoon melted butter Parmesan cheese Wash and peel the potatoes. Trim into even shapes.
Beryl Fletcher
Monday 20 January | Resources,
Hamilton City Libraries has launched a new archive collection of literary papers from acclaimed feminist author Beryl Fletcher, who was based in Kirikiriroa Hamilton from the 1970s until her passing…
Whakapapa Research
Wednesday 20 November
Researching your whakapapa - Showcases how you can use our resources to research your own whakapapa.
First New Zealand Company Ships to Arrive in New Zealand
Wednesday 20 November | Resources,
The New Zealand Company was an organisation in early 19th century England that issued the hire of various ships to carry British migrants from England to New Zealand, seeking the promise of abundant land and shores...
Looking back at libraries in Kirikiriroa/Hamilton - Part 5
Wednesday 31 July | Library History,
Hamilton's Carnegie Library c. 1925 2023 marked the 30th year that the Central Library has been operating from our current location in Garden Place.
The Pick family car
Thursday 21 March | Camera Obscura,
This week’s image continues our exploration of the Pick Collection. Today’s slide shows the Pick family car outside the coolstore at Rukuhia, which still stands next to SH3 today.
Hamilton West Town Belt
Friday 1 March | Camera Obscura,
Hamilton West town belt 1912 HCL_07049 This is a view we cannot get nowadays except from a hedge-hopping aeroplane.
Loading "Rawhiti" at Hamilton
Friday 1 March | Camera Obscura,
This is the Roose wharf in Hamilton in the days of very little mechanisation in shipping.
No. 2 Dam
Friday 1 March | Camera Obscura,
Do you know this spot? 1978. 01. 454 This week’s idyllic lake scene comes from the Pick Collection, a collection of personal papers and images from Mr R. D.
Masonic Lodge
Friday 1 March | Camera Obscura,
This small building of great mystery still stands in Grey Street, opposite Steele Park, as it has done since 1877, one hundred and forty-six years since the foundation stone was…
A man in tennis uniform
Friday 1 March | Camera Obscura,
1981. 01. 96 Following on from Perry’s image last week to continue the tennis theme, this week we have a photograph found in the Norris Collection.