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Lunar New Year 2025
Check out fun activities happening at our libraries for Year of the Snake.
More info on activitiesBook Clubs
Our Book Clubs are back again for 2025. Chat with other like-minded readers about what they are reading and discover new books to add to your reading list.
Check locations and timesBeamafilm
There's so much to explore on Beamafilm this summer! You will never get bored with a selection of full-length movies, documentaries and TV series with no ads, to cater to everyone's taste.
More info on BeamafilmHighlights

Code Creators
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, or Saturdays - starting from 10 February
Dinsdale Library, Central Library, Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library, or Hillcrest Library
Come join us at your local library to start coding your very own playable game! Learn scratch-based coding for the very first time or continue growing your skills with help from our library staff in this 9-week workshop for 8-12 year olds.
Register for Code Creators
Cutting Edge Graphics
Starts Thursday 13 February
Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library
Over the course of six sessions this class will help you to create and use vector graphics for such tasks as preparing for vinyl cutting, paper and card cutting, creating festive decorations, and even basic 3D printing!
More information and registration for Cutting Edge Graphics
My Craft
Mondays at Chartwell Library, starting 3 February
Mondays at Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library, starting 10 February
Wednesdays at Dinsdale Library, starting 5 February
Are you 6 to 9 years old and interested in handicrafts? Do you love bright colours and the magic of creativity? Join our My Craft programme for kids and have fun making your crafts!
Register for My Craft
Te Reo Tupu - Te Reo Maaori for Beginners
Wednesdays at Hillcrest Library, starting 19 February
Saturdays at Dinsdale Library, starting 22 February
Over eight weeks, learn the basics of te reo to understand and speak confidently at ANY given space. Registrations for Term 1 are open now!
Register for Te Reo Tupu
Bridge Demonstration
Saturday 1 March
Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library
Come along to see how it’s done by Hamilton Bridge Club and learn how to play Mini-Bridge if you are up for the challenge!
More info on Bridge Demonstration
Sea Week Movie Night
Thursday 6 March
Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library
Join us for a fun movie screen that’s sea-related. Keep your eye out for a Kraken, and enjoy some popcorn with us!
Register your family for Movie Night