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Category: Exhibitions
Hamilton Lake Exhibition
Wednesday 18 January | Exhibitions,
Over the decades the natural lake and its grounds have seen many changes.
Maunder Family Images
Wednesday 2 February | Exhibitions,
In 2017, Geoff Steven entrusted a collection of glass plate negatives to Hamilton City Libraries. He had first discovered them in 1963, under his family home in Mt Albert.
Garden Place, Our Place
Wednesday 18 August | Exhibitions,
Explore the history of Garden Place. It's our place, it's your place.
Hamilton at Play
Wednesday 11 August | Exhibitions,
What did people do for entertainment before the days of the Internet and reality TV shows? Explore a variety of leisure activities from days gone by!
Hillcrest History
Wednesday 4 August | Exhibitions,
Explore the history of Hillcrest and how it has changed over time. Cover Image: "Bretton", owned by the Horton Family on what is now Flynn Road. Demolished 1917.
Hamilton at Work
Wednesday 28 July | Exhibitions,
Explore how work in and around Hamilton has changed through the years. Cover Image: Haymaking at Waihou, Te Aroha, c. 1910.
Frankton History
Wednesday 21 July | Exhibitions,
Separated by land full of manuka and gorse, Frankton wasn’t always just another suburb of Hamilton. Cover Image: Frankton Junction railway station, c.
Claudelands Through the Years
Wednesday 14 July | Exhibitions,
Explore the history of the suburb of Claudelands. Cover Image: Showjumping at Claudelands Showgrounds, date unknown.
Hamilton in the Great War
Wednesday 7 July | Exhibitions,
What was life like over 100 years ago? What were the issues of the day? What were people talking about?