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Looking back at libraries in Kirikiriroa/Hamilton - Part 1
Wednesday 24 May | Library History, Stories of Hamilton,
2023 marks the 30th year that the Central Library has been operating from our current location in Garden Place.
Manuwai Waikato bound
Saturday 20 May | Camera Obscura,
This was one of the last big transactions of the Waikato Shipping Company, the purchase of the paddle steamer Manuwai.
Shipping shares in 1916
Saturday 13 May | Camera Obscura,
This week’s image is a recently digitised archive, outlining information about shares in The Waikato Shipping Company, Limited from August 1916.
Those were the days
Saturday 6 May | Camera Obscura,
HCL_11555 Our country had a great deal to celebrate in 1953.
Check out the bargains
Saturday 29 April | Camera Obscura,
HCLE_00085 Do you remember shopping at Pollock & Milne? This flier advertises a summer clearance sale, which began on 18th January 1935, two years after the store opened.
Digitisation Station now available!
Wednesday 26 April | Resources,
The Ngaa Koorero Tuku Iho teams are very excited to announce a new service now available at Level 3 of Central Library!
From years gone by
Saturday 22 April | Camera Obscura,
Postcards from years gone often might be considered of little interest except that they undoubtedly showed the growth and suggested prosperity of newer towns and cities.
The Pick Collection
Saturday 15 April | Camera Obscura,
1978. 01. 172 This week’s image is another from the Pick Collection, this time showing an archaeological dig in progress in the 1960s.
Library History - Mobile Library
Wednesday 12 April | Stories of Hamilton, Resources, Library History,
When the Hamilton Public Libraries changed from subscription to free membership in the 1960s library usage skyrocketed. There were only two library sites, Frankton, and the city centre.
Serving up a treat
Saturday 8 April | Camera Obscura,
Last week Rowan featured a menu for the Frankton Junction railway station dining rooms.
A taste of days gone by
Saturday 1 April | Camera Obscura,
HCLE_08346 Did you ever dine in the Railway Dining-Rooms at Frankton Junction? This menu may bring back memories if you did!
Library History - Frankton Library
Wednesday 29 March | Resources, Stories of Hamilton, Library History,
Frankton Junction Library was opened by the Mayor J. R. Fow on the 22nd of September 1923. Frankton residents had been advocating for a library for many years.