Post categories
Category: NZ Titles
Delve into our Collections and discover your next read with curated lists and suggestions from Hamilton City Libraries staff.
5 Paatai With... Lauren Keenan
Saturday 25 January | Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, Children, NZ Titles,
Lauren Keenan (Te Ātiawa) writes both historical fiction and non-fiction. Her publications include middle-grade novels Amorangi and Millie’s Trip Through Time (2022) and Rimu: The Tree of Time (2024) and adult novel The Space Between (2024). She lives in Wellington with her husband, two children, and two cats.
NZ Music Month 2024: Films
Tuesday 7 May | Adult Non-Fiction, NZ Titles,
Celebrate Te Marama Puoro o Aotearoa - NZ Music Month - this May with one of these films celebrating New Zealand music!
Ngaio Marsh Awards 2023 Best Novel Longlist
Friday 30 June | Adult Fiction, NZ Titles,
The Ngaio Marsh Awards have celebrated the best New Zealand crime, mystery, thriller, and suspense writing since 2010.
2023 Ockham Winners
Thursday 18 May | NZ Titles, Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction,
The winners have been announced for this year's Ockham New Zealand Book Awards! Congratulations to all the winning writers.
New Zealand Music Month: Biographies
Monday 1 May | Adult Non-Fiction, NZ Titles,
What better time to read one of these biographies about New Zealand musicians than May, New Zealand Music Month!
2023 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards - Longlist
Thursday 23 February | Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, NZ Titles,
The Ockham New Zealand Book Awards are the country’s premier literary honours for books written by New Zealanders. The longlist for the 2023 awards have been announced.
Te Puutake o te Riri, He Raa Maumahara
Thursday 27 October | NZ Titles, Adult Non-Fiction,
Te Puutake o te Riri, He Raa Maumahara is the Maaori name for the commemoration day of the New Zealand Wars and conflicts, held each year on 28 October.
NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults 2022
Thursday 11 August | NZ Titles, Children, Young Adult,
The winners of the NZ Book Awards for our youngest readers have been announced!
Librarian's Choice: Stray
Thursday 28 July | Librarians Choice, Adult Fiction, NZ Titles,
Stray is the feature-film debut of Dustin Feneley, and is, in the opinion of David from Hillcrest Library, one of the best New Zealand debuts in a long time.
Read Around New Zealand
Wednesday 20 July | Adult Fiction, NZ Titles,
Read your way around the country with these books set in different places across the motu.
2022 Ockham Awards Shortlist
Wednesday 2 March | Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, NZ Titles,
The shortlist for this year's Ockham New Zealand Book Awards were announced this morning.
NZSA New Zealand Heritage Literary Awards 2021
Monday 1 November | NZ Titles, Adult Non-Fiction, Adult Fiction, Children,
The New Zealand Society of Authors announced the winners and runners-up of this year's New Zealand Heritage Literary Awards at the Christchurch Heritage Festival on 22 October.