Post categories
How the mighty have fallen
Saturday 19 March | Camera Obscura,
A fortnight ago we featured the National Bank on the corner of Brice and Victoria streets.
A collection of Patricks
Wednesday 16 March
To celebrate St Patrick’s Day, we have two different Patrick’s from our photograph collection.
Park stamps mark in city
Saturday 12 March | Camera Obscura,
As Seddon Park gets ready to be a host venue for the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup, we can look back at previous matches played there.
Bank's impressive site
Saturday 5 March | Camera Obscura,
This is the corner of Bryce and Victoria streets in May 1983.
Three Selected Items
Thursday 3 March | Stories of Hamilton,
These items were chosen by Glenview team member, Lis. She shares her thoughts on a selection of images from our Heritage Collections Online.
Fine china treasure trove
Saturday 26 February | Camera Obscura,
“A great display of Fine English Crystal, China and Glassware is now ready for wise gift-selectors who know the value of shopping early to ensure a greater selection.
A day in the life of Hamilton
Saturday 19 February | Camera Obscura,
On the 22nd of September 1993, someone went out and ran off about seven films – about two hundred & fifty photographs for a project capturing ‘A Day in the…
Overground, underground, the evolution of railway in Hamilton
Wednesday 16 February | Stories of Hamilton,
Train crossing Claudelands Rail Bridge, c. 1918, HCL_02097 By 1884 the economic activity of the Waikato district demanded transport.
Label stands test of time
Saturday 12 February | Camera Obscura,
This label is from D. Elliott, Cabinetmaker, General Upholsterer and Undertaker, who operated in Hamilton from 1880.
Garage hub prime spot
Saturday 5 February | Camera Obscura,
This is looking a bit south of west along Bryce Street in 1939. Bryce, Barton, Hood & Collingwood Streets were the major motor garage hubs.
Maunder Family Images
Wednesday 2 February | Exhibitions,
In 2017, Geoff Steven entrusted a collection of glass plate negatives to Hamilton City Libraries. He had first discovered them in 1963, under his family home in Mt Albert.
A sweet summer treat
Saturday 29 January | Camera Obscura,
Ice cream is the ultimate summer treat! McDonald’s Ice Cream Manufacturing Co.