Inside a gas works? But then again maybe not

HCL 03503tile

See at the top of the image, the date is 28th January 1965. 1964 is crossed out. That was a common absent-minded slipup in the days when people wrote out cheques for everything. So, this photo was taken at 12.44pm on the last day of January. A lady on the right, slightly blurred, has moved in a hurry to avoid the camera. Our register entry for this image says, ‘Gas works interior - 1965’. I’ve seen plenty of photos of gas works insides but never anything like this. It looks like a kitchen - two serving hatches with concertina doors and what looks like a bacon slicer on the right. Thing is, what about the two complicated looking bits of machinery in the foreground? They have pipes, gauges and valves. Surely this is a lab…, but the gasworks? Does anyone know? Oh yes, it is a ‘Hef’ Graham photo.

HCL_03503, Hamilton City Libraries