Viewing the city from a top vantage point

HCL m01554.13tile

We don’t often feature aerial photos. They are very often higher altitude therefore very small detail and lots of it. We have no idea the altitude here, but it does show well the new museum under construction in October 1985. It opened in 1987. To the left of the museum is the Hamilton Club. That was where solicitors, accountants, bank managers, doctors (not common), stock firm managers and other businessmen, even the occasional newspaper editor, met in the quietude of a ‘gentlemen’s club’. Clubs such as this and RSA clubs have reduced in size or, as the Hamilton Club, closed altogether due to the societal changes over the last thirty years. At the top of the image is Victoria Street with Grantham Street in front of the club. To the right is ArtsPost facing Victoria with the now long-gone Post Office ancillary buildings behind. That area is now a carpark.

HCL_M01554.13, Hamilton City Libraries