Is it truck, lorry, or a pick-up utility?

HCL 09444tile

A truck known years ago as a lorry but possibly even small enough to be a ‘pickup utility’. It is No. 3 in the fleet of Cambridge Co-op Dairy Coy. Ltd. The dairy factory was then, as it is now, at Hautapu a mere 3.6 kilometres from Cambridge. In the day, on gravel roads, this could have been a hair-raising adventure with harsh suspension and relatively narrow tires. The body was built by Ferguson Builders Cambridge according to a difficult to read sign on the cab side below the number. Of particular interest are the curious wheels. The bevelled outer sections of the discs are covered with rivets. We can’t tell the vehicle make and are not previously acquainted with these wheels nor, as it happens, the cream tyres. Any ideas welcome.

HCL_09444, Hamilton City Libraries