Garden Place at night

hcl m02734.16tile

This was Garden Place at night in September 1993. We don’t know what time it was so have no way of knowing what we should expect. In 1993 however, it was deserted. Not a single person to give the sense of life in the concrete jungle. On the left in the foreground is the entry to the underground carpark. Over the entry is the seating arena surrounded on the sides by the Peace Wall. Across Garden Place are banks and an insurance company. Thomas Cook, the world-famous travel agency, (owned at this point by a German bank), was a prominent feature of the northerly strip. The two-storey building on the right is Dominic Building housing the Smiling Services Stores – retailer of sheepskin products. The dark building to the left is, as today, occupied by dentists among others. The photo is taken from the roof of what was known then as Pascoe’s building. The town at least looks well lit.

HCL_M02734.16, Hamilton City Libraries