It's a sign of the times

HCL M02672.7tile

So much has changed. This was the newspaper room in the old library in Alexandra St (Worley Place) in March 1993. The racks in the foreground could hold seventy-two titles and even up to about six years ago we had the big racks on Level 3 though not with a full house – maybe only forty titles by then. Technology and postal costs put paid to this vast quantity of paper. The London Times, when our subscription was cancelled, was costing more in postage than for the newspaper. We no longer hold vast numbers of back copies as is advertised on the back wall here – they are retrievable via the web or in the library on microfilm. Current editions nowadays are (mostly) on websites like PressReader (also available at the library). However, each Hamilton library still has one or more copies of the Waikato Times available each day.

HCL_M02672.7, Hamilton City Libraries