Taking the country by storm, Kii-o-rahi combines the best of touch/tag with our beautiful indigenous language. Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie, don’t worry! You’ll learn all the rules before we start. If you're keen for a run around, nau mai, haere mai!

Kii-o-rahi is open to ages 10 - 17 (please note children under 14 must always be accompanied by a caregiver at our libraries). Register to play below!

Which Kii-o-rahi session would you like to attend?
Photo release
I consent to photos and videos of my child being taken during this programme.
Photos and videos of programme participants and their work may be taken for use in marketing and promotion for Hamilton City Libraries/Hamilton City Council only.
Please be patient - click Submit once and wait. It may take a few seconds as your request is processed.

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