A bird's eye view...

HCL 15016tile

From this vantage point today, we would be looking directly at Centre Place. The building on the right remains with Centre Place built around it. The front is much modernised now. This is how the once busy railway yard looked after the railway was lowered. In front is Victoria Street with Bryce Street running on the right. Hamilton has a history, as you look through the photos, of temporary carparks wherever land was vacated. Indeed, it still is the case. The old railway station building, now a restaurant at the university, is still in situ. A favourite landmark, the Frankton water tower, now in its last years being demolished in 1966. The shops across Victoria Street are; a land agent; radio retailer; corsetiere; cake kitchen; nurserymen & florists and gent’s outfitter. This is about 1965 to early 1966 based on the Austin 1800 parked in Bryce Street. They came on sale in the colonies in 1965.


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